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Latest Green Technology

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This is the place to go if you want the best green technologies. We've discussed Air-gen, NayamWings, and HomeBiogas. Smart lights, NayamWings and other topics were also discussed. Each of these products offers a unique feature that you may want to check out. All of these products are designed to help you be more efficient with your energy and save money.

Smart lights

Smart lights are now a natural next step due to increasing use of connected devices and the growth of the Internet of Things. These lights can be controlled via Bluetooth or WiFi from smartphones or tablets. Lighting can now be controlled using the smart speaker you choose, thanks to voice-activated assistants such Google Assistant, Alexa, and Siri. Installing is as easy as replacing an old bulb or downloading the correct app. Smart lights will also use motion detection to cut energy usage.

Among the many benefits of smart lighting, its control over light intensity, mood setting and simplicity are some of the most attractive features. The network of smart lights also allows users to control lighting remotely, enabling users to set the exact time they want the lights to be on and off. Some smart lights have the ability to be connected to a smartphone app, allowing them to remotely adjust lighting settings. These smart lights are a great option to reduce costs and simplify your daily life.

car with coffee machine


Researchers from the University of Massachusetts Amherst have developed a new green technology called Air-gen. It makes electricity using electricity generated from water vapor, protein nanowires and other substances. It is important for medicine, renewable energy, climate change and other areas. Let's not get too excited. Air-gen is a natural protein molecule that produces electricity. This device could change our world forever.

A tiny cloud is Air-gen's simplest form. The layers of the film contain a layer made of nanowires that draw water vapor from the air. It produces 0.5 volts of electricity with a current density of 17 microamps per square centimeter. You can integrate it into wall paint to generate electricity in desert areas. Air-gen is a renewable energy source that has many advantages.


NayamWings is creating a new wind propulsion system that can be used to propel ships using a rigid wingsail. Its wing sails are fully autonomous, allowing the ship to use asymmetric airfoil wings for superior maneuverability. It uses almost no energy and can lower the masts and wings to allow for easier loading or travel under bridges. It is also resistant to extreme weather conditions and can even be levelled for entry or exit from ports.

As shipping companies are faced with increasing environmental regulations, they are looking for solutions that can reduce their carbon emissions without compromising their efficiency. NayamWings has already received funding from the Israeli Ministry of Energy and opened a seed round of $4.5 million. In addition, the company has received support from the Haifa Municipality and hiCenter's IN-VENTech startup business program. NayamWings' solution can cut fuel consumption by 25% and reduce pollution by 25%. This technology could result in shipowners saving up to $2 Million annually on fuel costs and carbon permit fee fees.

driving gadgets


HomeBiogas may be a green technology that you might consider if you're looking for more ways to recycle. It will reduce the amount methane produced from organic waste, and it can also create a nutrient rich fertilizer. It has prevented the emission by 86,000 tons greenhouse gases and has sold over 14'000 units. This technology is used by farmers and other businesses to reduce food wastage. The company recently introduced an industrial version that is available for business use.

You will need a warm climate with a minimum temperature of 20 degrees Celsius to get started. It is also important to have a space outside your house that isn't too cold. HomeBiogas2.0 requires an area of approximately 2.10mx1.2m. You can place it up to 20 metres from your house. To activate your system, you will need to add about 100 litres of animal manure. An alternative is to use a starter bacteria kit.


Is it possible to work as an automotive mechanic?

Yes, it's possible. Garages often advertise their jobs online and people just apply because it seems fun. You can apply for several places to see if they are accepting student applications if you want to get your foot in their door. Alternatively, you could ask friends and family if they know anyone who works in the industry. They might be happy to recommend someone.

How do I prepare for a mechanic apprenticeship?

It is essential to understand what you are getting into. Understanding the mechanics and working of cars is essential. This will make it easy to find the right place to start your first day in the garage.

You should also know how to fix common problems such as tires or broken lights.

These lessons will help you to identify and fix problems.

Also, it is important to know how parts fit together so that you can put them back together.

Finally, it is important to know how tools can be used safely and efficiently.

These things will enable you to be a competent mechanic.

How long does an apprenticeship in automotive mechanics last?

A three-year apprenticeship in automotive mechanics takes. This includes two year at school as well as two years as an apprenticeship. The first year of training is spent in the trade. This includes theory and practical skills as well as safety procedures. You'll also learn the safe and efficient use of tools during this first year. After you have completed the first year of training, you will be able to spend an additional year on-the job learning different trades. These are also the times you can attend formal courses.

The final year of this program is spent in obtaining qualifications and becoming certified in your field. These include NVQs or National Vocational Qualifications. These are earned after passing exams that cover specific topics in the industry. In addition, there are HNCs (Higher National Certificates) that cover general subjects such as management, business administration, and customer service. City & Guilds certificates may be available for those who are interested in becoming qualified in specific trades.

What is the distinction between a mechanic or an automotive technician?

Both are related, but they are not the same. A mechanic repairs cars while an automotive technician does maintenance on them.

A mechanic should be able to do simple tasks quickly and have good manual dexterity. They should be able to accurately diagnose problems and repair them efficiently.

An automotive technician is required to have more technical knowledge than a mechanic. They must be capable of reading blueprints and using tools such as drills, wrenches, etc.

They should be able safely to perform complex procedures. They must be familiar with all types of electrical and engine systems.

They must also be able comprehend how the various parts interrelate with one another.

As a result, mechanics typically make less than technicians. However, both careers offer great opportunities.


  • The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that the job outlook for automotive service technicians and mechanics is expected to decline by 4% from 2019 to 2029. (indeed.com)
  • According to the BLS, the median annual salary for automotive service technicians and mechanics in the United States was $44,050 in May 2020. (uti.edu)
  • 52% of Mechanics in the United States think their salaries are enough for the cost of living in their area. (indeed.com)

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How To

How to obtain a mechanic certificate

For those who are interested in becoming certified automotive technicians, the mechanic's certifications will help. They provide an overview of all areas of auto repair, including engine diagnostics, electrical systems, brakes, suspension, steering, fuel injection, air conditioning, heating, exhaust, transmission, diagnostic tools, body repairs, collision damage repair, collision repair, paintless dent removal, motor vehicle emissions testing, and much more.

The 12-hour program includes three months of on the job training at a dealership participating. Students must complete a minimum of 60 clock hours of classroom study per semester and pass a written exam, including theory and practical questions. After completing the coursework, students can take the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence’s (ASE) state examination. To become an automotive service technician, you will need to be certified by ASE.



Latest Green Technology